Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ’s about Zion Baptist Church

What is Zion’s purpose?

Zion’s goal is to see believers mature into the image of Christ by developing Christ-like character that guides us in our moment-by-moment walk with the Lord.

Why are you called “Zion”?

“Zion” is a name from the Bible. It eventually came to refer to the mountain where the Temple stood in Jerusalem. The name “Zion” was chosen by the group of people who started the church back in 1961, most of whom have long since passed on.

The name was not chosen to send any particular theological message; the people who chose it simply liked the name.

What does Zion emphasize in its ministry?

Zion Baptist Church emphasizes biblical expository preaching and teaching in a caring and supportive church atmosphere. We believe that the ministry of the word is of utmost importance to the Christian life and that sound doctrine is necessary for spiritual maturity.

What are Zion’s distinctive beliefs?

We are Reformed in soteriology while valuing and upholding the historic Baptist distinctives including, but not limited to, believer’s baptism only, congregational church government, and individual soul competency.

We do not, however, hold to our beliefs in a contentious manner and instead practice charity toward Bible-believing Christians who differ from us.

A summary of our beliefs is here: Our Statement of Faith. A more complete Statement of Faith is available on request.

Our Pastor has written on the meaning of our Church Covenant and this serves as our guide for what members can expect from the church and what the church can expect from her members. Read Teaching on the Church Covenant.

Is Zion family-focused?

Zion values the family unit and we define “family” not only in the traditional sense, but also to include those who are unmarried (never married, previously married, widow or widower).

We believe that the family is foundational, not only for society, but for the furtherance of Christianity. Parents are responsible for raising their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” which means that discipline and instruction in the ways the Christian faith is of the utmost importance. We do not believe that such instruction is the sole responsibility of the church, but the responsibility of the parent(s) working with the church. The church’s goal is to bring all members to maturity, adults and children alike. To this end, Zion desires to work with parents in instructing their children in the teachings of Scripture and the Christian life.

Is Zion an independent church?

Zion Baptist Church is not affiliated with any denomination. We are an independent church but we are non-legalistic and non-charismatic.

We do not believe in blind obedience to man-made ordinances that have no grounding in biblical truth. We believe that Christians should obey the teachings of Christ’s law by making informed decisions regarding things like lifestyle and worship. However, such liberty and freedom is never to be used to excuse wrong-doing or to excuse someone acting in a manner that is worldly, sensual, or immoral.

What version of the Bible is used at Zion?

Our pastor reads from the New King James Version during our services but several different conservative translations are in use by our members. Many of our members still use the King James Version.

What is a typical worship service like?

On a given Sunday Morning, the following elements are present in our worship service:
-Classic hymns
-Scripture readings
-Public prayer
-Special music
-A message (sermon) from the Bible lasting about 30-35 minutes

When do you celebrate communion?

We observe Communion on the first Sunday of every month immediately following Lord’s Day Worship. If you plan to worship with us for the Lord’s Supper and would like to participate, please speak with the Pastor or one of the elders beforehand.